Analysis of the Impact of the Independent Curriculum on Student Learning Processes in Indonesia
Indonesia, Merdeka Curriculum, Learning Process, StudentsAbstract
The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of the Merdeka Curriculum on student learning in Indonesia. The Merdeka Curriculum is a new approach to learning that aims to give students more freedom to choose learning materials and methods that suit their interests and abilities. In this study, we identified issues related to the implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum, evaluated the goals achieved by this approach, analyzed the methods used in its implementation, presented the results found and concluded the impact of the Merdeka Curriculum. Student learning in Indonesia. The problems identified include challenges in developing a flexible curriculum, training teachers to adopt this new approach, and providing appropriate assessments to measure student progress. The research method used was secondary data analysis, gathered information by searching for reliable online sources. The results showed that a Merdeka Curriculum gives students more freedom to choose and shape their learning according to their interests and abilities. This is thought to increase student motivation and participation in learning. However, the challenges of managing curriculum flexibility and the required teacher training remain a major concern. Evaluation of students' learning progress shows positive changes in some aspects, but the development of appropriate evaluation methods still requires further efforts. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the Merdeka Curriculum has a positive effect on students' Indonesian language learning. This approach gives students the freedom to develop their interests and talents, increases student motivation and engagement, and prepares them for the challenges of globalization. However, additional resources are needed to ensure the flexibility of the curriculum and ensure adequate teacher training. In addition, comprehensive assessments must be developed to adequately measure student progress.
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