Indonesia's Challenges Facing Global Politics After the 2024 Election


  • Agil Kurniadi Terekam Jejak Research Institute Author



Election 2024, Prabowo Subianto, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Ukrainian-Russian War


This article outlines Indonesia's future challenges in its efforts to face increasingly uncertain global political conditions. After the completion of the 2024 elections, Indonesia has a new president, Prabowo Subianto. In the new leadership period, Indonesia will be faced with increasingly complex global political problems. World political situations such as the Israel-Palestine and Ukraine-Russia conflicts which do not yet have a solution will pose an indirect political-economic threat to Indonesia. This influences foreign political challenges and Indonesia's domestic conditions. Specifically, the author analyzes Indonesia's challenges into three things: first, the views of world countries towards Indonesia's foreign policy; second, proxy war which will affect domestic political stability; third, the potential for an economic crisis that will affect Indonesia's economic conditions. The author uses a qualitative method with a realist concept approach from Hans Morgenthau. This article concludes that if these three challenges cannot be overcome, Indonesia will experience quite serious security and social shocks.


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05.07.2024 — Updated on 24.07.2024
